Tuesday, May 1, 2012

You Are More

Taking a drive tonight, this Tenth Avenue North song came on the radio.  I've heard it played M-A-N-Y times there, as well as over and over on my iPod. And I'm pretty sure our praise team sang it in church somewhere along the way. 

But tonight, this song really came at me in a different way, moving in and taking up residence in my head and my heart.  Rearranging some things, like ill-placed furniture. 

I think there are times in our lives --



-- that we forget the whole point of this song and the essence of its lyrics.  I know I have -- and often, still do.

I slip

I stumble

I slide back

I beat myself up so terribly for doing so.  And then, I begin focusing on 

Where I've been

What I've done and/or what's been done to me

Who I was  

Wrestling with....

The poor choices I've made

The mistakes from my past

The problems I've had to deal with along the way, many (if I'm entirely honest) of my own making

Like ghoulish specters, their memories reappear, following me around and coming back to haunt me. 


And instead, I need to remember and focus on 

Where I am now

What's been done for me

Who -- and Whose -- I am

I am not the same person I was 40 -30 - 20 - 10 years ago.  I should never think or look at myself -- and neither should you -- as less of a person because of who I used to be, how I spoke or because of people and things I was involved with.  These things are not the sum of who I am.

All because of Jesus and His transforming love and grace, I am more.  You are more.

We've been remade.



  1. And this is why His mercies are new each morning! To remind us that the past is past...today is fresh, and new, and filled with hope. :)

  2. AMEN! Sorry I've not been around for some time, Pam (been working on my dissertation). Glad to be back to your encouraging, convicting, heart-warming blog. Shalom, my friend! And peace and hope unto you


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