"The LORD, the LORD is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation." ~ Isaiah 12:2
We all need a savior. Without a savior, we would all be dead in our sins.
I must see Jesus, not just as a savior, but -- making this personal -- as my Savior.
Yes, Jesus left everything behind, humbling Himself and taking on human form, and came to this earth to be our atoning sacrifice, our perfect, spotless, Lamb of God, to save us from our sins. He is indeed our Savior.
But today, I'm not looking at Jesus as the Hero of a one-time rescue mission. No, for me, right now -- I NEED to see and KNOW HIM as One Who saves me on a daily basis. Jesus is Whom I will look to today and every day to save me from:
my anxieties
my depression
my doubts
my fears
my loneliness
my deepest heart-hurts
my self
"Jesus, You are stronger
More than any other
Hallelujah -- what a Savior!"