"So God created human beings in His image. In the image of God He created them. He created them male and female." ~Genesis 1:27, NCV
Last week, while I was at our family’s favorite bagel shop, a headline from one of our
local newspapers caught my eye. It read:
The Invisible”
Intrigued by
the title, I picked up the paper and quickly scanned it to find they were
speaking of that community of folks who live hidden among the shadowy fringes
of our society:
I learned
that members of an organization here in our area recently took a day to launch themselves
throughout our neighboring city of Trenton for their annual count of its homeless population.
The team of people took the time to speak with each homeless person, asking questions about their basic needs, where they were currently staying, and then supplying each one with a backpack containing sandwiches, water, socks and a resource card offering info on social services available
The team of people took the time to speak with each homeless person, asking questions about their basic needs, where they were currently staying, and then supplying each one with a backpack containing sandwiches, water, socks and a resource card offering info on social services available
to them. They were also encouraged
to come to the local shelter to stay, as the temperatures here have been in the
single digits lately.
The article went on to give figures from last year’s census (a total of 668 homeless men, women and children in our county alone!) and to say just how difficult it is to get an actual true figure for the homeless, because many ‘couch surf’ with friends or spend time during the day and evening hours riding the River Line (a fairly inexpensive, light rail system which travels between the cities of Trenton and Camden).
The director
of this outreach organization told his teams to be sure they paid attention and listened to the responses of the homeless, without cutting them off if and when
they opened themselves up. He’s quoted as saying:
“Don’t get
so caught up in the logistics of it that you miss that part of it, because we’re
talking to people.”
That really hit home and stuck with me. As did the moniker of 'the invisible.'
For the past
several years, I’ve been volunteering one night a week at a local soup kitchen operating out of the basement of a tiny neighborhood church, as well as doing
intake at their once-a-month food pantry and clothing closet.
Last Thursday night, after having read that article, I looked more closely than usual at all of our guests -- familiar and unfamiliar; homeless or living well below the poverty line -- who filed into the building for a hot meal. I wondered – did they feel invisible? Did we make them feel invisible by our words, our facial expressions, our interactions or lack of interactions?
Last Thursday night, after having read that article, I looked more closely than usual at all of our guests -- familiar and unfamiliar; homeless or living well below the poverty line -- who filed into the building for a hot meal. I wondered – did they feel invisible? Did we make them feel invisible by our words, our facial expressions, our interactions or lack of interactions?
How easy it
can be to deem the folks who frequent these outreaches as ‘the invisible,’ as we hand them their dinners or bags for their groceries and clothes while proudly feeling we’ve done our civic, Christian duty.
Because they are precisely the people society doesn't wish to see. Those whom we would much rather remain
Some barely
speak above a whisper, mumble continually to themselves as they rock back and forth, or suddenly laugh out
loud for no reason. Others shout things I cannot repeat here, sometimes picking
fights with us, their table mates – or with tormenting demons none of us can see.
clothing is wrinkled, ripped and grimy; their hair unkempt and greasy. Many
reek of body odor and alcohol. Or
worse. The hands that reach out to take
their food are often dirty, bruised, shaking and housing who-knows-what beneath
their fingernails.
Their faces are dirty, too; some with teeth missing or eyes
that are sunken in, displaying broken windows to souls that appear to be long dead and best forgotten.
And yet – the Bible tells us that we – human beings
– were ALL created in the image of God! What a revelation, then, that each face that stares at us from a
street corner, or through our car window while sitting at a red light, or
across a table at a soup kitchen is the face of Christ, just as we are attempting to show the face
of Christ to them!
It would do
us well -- and I include myself in this -- to realize that, in spite of all the blatant differences and blaring oddities
I mentioned above, the members of this ‘invisible’ population are like us in a variety of ways.
Like us,
they have a name; a name that desires to be known, remembered and spoken out
loud with joyful recognition, welcome and tenderness.
Like us,
these folks have a story containing a beginning, a middle and someday, an
ending. A story which begs to be told; to be known; to be laughed and cried over; to be understood and
And like us,
they came into this world desperately needy from the get-go. Displaying
wrinkly, tiny red faces, with eyes closed tight against the blinding light of
life. Arms flailing and fists clenched, lungs filling up with their first
breaths, and exhaling angry cries of protest at being torn from the warmth and
safety of their mother’s womb.
And then
someone, somewhere, cleaned them up, swaddled them in a blanket and gently
placed them into a parent’s waiting arms to be held. It would be nice to
believe that these who are now invisible were welcomed and loved once upon a time, their entrance into the world
rejoiced over.
But I know
that far too often, that is not always the case. Many are born already
unwelcome and unwanted; already despised and rejected.
Already invisible.
But that is not so with God. NONE of us are invisible to our Father. He has seen us and known us LONG BEFORE our physical birth. David, king
and psalmist, has this to say in Psalm 139:15-16:
“My frame was not hidden from You
when I was
made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, Your eyes saw my unformed body.”
made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, Your eyes saw my unformed body.”
And in Jeremiah 1:5, God tells the young
“Before I formed you in the womb, I
knew you.”
I’m no Bible
scholar, but I HAVE to believe that this visibility and knowledge God speaks of wasn’t only
reserved and true for prophets, kings, psalm writers and Bible heroes, but for all
of us common folk as well.
God sees
us and knows us intimately. He is aware of our comings and goings, even knowing when we sit and when we stand. He takes great delight in each of us. He quiets our
raging, chaotic, anxious minds and hearts with His love. He rejoices over us
with singing. ALL of us – those whose lives are applauded and bathed in the bright klieg lights of notoriety. Those whose unassuming, ordinary lives tend to give off a softer, more diffused glow. And that so-called ‘invisible’ population -- those who find
themselves standing outside society’s borders, living life among the dark shadowlands.
someone reading this today needs to remember or to be made aware that there is someone
in their family, someone camped out in their neighborhood, someone sitting
among their church’s congregation, or someone standing outside of their
workplace, favorite coffee shop or local train station who LONGS to stop being
invisible. Who only wants…no…NEEDS to be seen.
But not seen
as just a number on a city's yearly census
Not seen as just
a recipient of yet another social services program
Not seen as just part of some church’s monthly or annual outreach project
And not seen as just another poor, unfortunate soul
But seen as a human being and beloved child of God. Yes, they have a need. But more importantly, they have a name that longs to be spoken. They have a story that begs to be told. And they have a face that wants to be seen. And recognized.
And perhaps,
if you look closely, that face you recognize JUST might be the face of Christ
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Homeless Jesus, by Timothy Schmalz |
Bless you for sharing this. And for being one who is encouraging and loving!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Shanyn! You know, this was another one of those posts that I hadn't planned on writing, didn't make a point of setting aside time for it, and had NO idea where God was going with it. I just have to shake my head in awe at how He works these things out.
DeletePam, you said this so well, my friend. "Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’" This verse came to my mind- you know...there are so many needs, so many levels of needs. May we always see, as He sees. May He who gives life, give us eyes to see the Invisible among us...wherever they may be. I really love that image: Homelss Jesus. It is powerful, and conveys so much truth...He had no place to lay His own head. Your blog is looking just wonderful by the way. Hey, I have Skype if you want to chat about anything. HUgs, and love, via cyberspace.
ReplyDeleteDawn -- It's interesting that this whole idea that Jesus had no place to lay His head is something that doesn't come up much in sermons, bible studies, Sunday school class curriculum, etc. We tend to not focus on that which really seems to bring to light those words from Isaiah 53:
DeleteThere was nothing beautiful or majestic about his appearance, nothing to attract us to him.
He was despised and rejected....We turned our backs on him and looked the other way.
He was despised, and we did not care.
So much of what occurs here in our relationships with others -- the good, the bad and the ugly -- very often seems to mirror how we relate to Jesus.
Thank you for your kind words about my blog's appearance. I began setting up a WordPress account earlier today, and I forgot just how much time, effort, brain power etc. goes into creating something new. Not sure if I'm up to THAT particular challenge right now, so I'm going to follow my own One Word 2014...and Wait. LOL!
Us Skyping?? Oooooo, won't THAT be some fun? Is the evening better for you? Let me know. Much love, gal. <3
Oh Pam, this made me teary-eyed because it's so true. I can't imagine anything worse than being homeless and yet Jesus Himself had no place to lay His head. I too have done my share of looking past the "invisible"
ReplyDeleteLori -- me, too, my friend. I did it for years, whether out of fear, embarrassment, pride, ignorance. It's so much easier to avoid society's square pegs than it is to embrace them. But, as both you and Dawn have stated, Jesus had no place to lay His head, and He was despised and rejected (see my comment to Dawn).
DeleteThanks for stopping by and commenting, dear one!
Loved this post! Thank you for reminding each of us that there are people out there that NEED to be seen! Praying each of us will do our part in loving the sometimes unlovable just as Jesus loved us when we were unlovable!