When they came
to the place called The Skull, there they crucified Him and the criminals, one
on the right and the other on the left.
But Jesus was saying, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what
they are doing.”’ ~ Luke 23:33-34
Judging from the
low amount of page views my previous post received, I’m thinking that
forgiveness doesn’t rank very high among the Top 40 popular, Must Read blog
post topics (If you missed it, please CLICK HERE to read 'Forgiveness').
I can understand
why. Like politics and religion,
forgiveness can be a touchy, volatile subject.
Truth be told, most people would not only rather avoid thinking and
talking about forgiveness, but more than likely would rather refrain from
initiating and acting upon it as well.
forgiving one another is hard. REALLY hard. Not just for the small annoyances in
life, but for those over-the-top, ‘how could anyone do something like this?!’
things, too. Things that seem almost
impossible to forgive.
I don’t have to
remind anyone reading here that there are A LOT of thoughtless, cruel,
heartless people in this world. From liars, thieves, drunk/drugged drivers, embezzlers,
adulterous spouses to murderers, rapists, pedophiles, sexual predators, etc.,
there are people who don’t seem to care about the havoc they wreak or the
carnage of broken people they leave behind; people who delight in the pain of
others, be it physical, emotional or mental pain. All you have to do is open up your newspaper,
turn on your television or radio, power up your computer or simply walk out
your front door to be witness to what’s going on in this fallen world. When we read about an elderly person savagely
attacked in their home, or learn of yet another child who’s been kidnapped and
found miles away later on, brutally murdered, or we find ourselves the hurting
victim of a crime of the body or the heart, forgiveness for the perpetrator isn’t
on our minds or in our hearts, is it?
Revenge is.
We’d rather see
these monsters of society get what’s coming to them. And if we’re totally honest, deep inside,
wouldn’t we all like to get a whack at them ourselves, showing up in courtrooms
or jail cells, like those mobs of angry villagers in old movies, brandishing
our pitchforks and torches?
But, if we say
we are Christians, aren’t we expected to brandish mercy and grace, and to
extend forgiveness instead? And when WE
sin, don’t we expect our offenses – no matter what they are -- to be forgiven?
Don’t we BEG for God’s mercy and grace to catch us when slip and fall headlong
into sin? Of course we do. I know I do.
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Forgiven, by Thomas Blackshear |
We can memorize
the following Bible verse and gladly declare it and claim it as a ‘life verse:’
“But God demonstrates His
own love for us in this: ‘While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.’” ~
Romans 5:8 (NIV).
But what about
committing THIS C.S. Lewis quote to
memory and living it out:
“To be a Christian means to
forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.”
I have to wonder
– how did Jesus feel right before He cried out from the cross those
mind-boggling words?
“Father, forgive them, for
they do not know what they’re doing!”
Did Jesus
wrestle with forgiving His haters, His betrayers, His murderers, much as He did
in the garden at Gethsemane, struggling in anguished prayer to do His Father’s
will and accept the overwhelming cup He’d been offered? He very well may have,
but we have no way of knowing, since there is no record in the Bible of this
particular wrestling match between the human and the Divine sides of Jesus in
that instance.
To be a Christian means to forgive the
inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you. In
me. If Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
could do the unthinkable and ask forgiveness for the very people who despised
Him, who betrayed Him, who mocked, beat and tormented Him, and nailed Him onto
a wooden cross – WHILE He was hanging on that cross, close to breathing His
final breath, and DYING FOR THEIR SINS AND OURS – can we do any less? Can we remember that it’s not us but God Who
says, “Vengeance is Mine, and I will repay?” Can we leave the justice and
judgment calls up to Him, and just put down our pitchforks and torches…and
learn to forgive instead?
It’s not easy,
this forgiving of others. Oh, how I know just how difficult it can be! So please join me next time for some closing thoughts in my final
installment (and in case you’re wondering….no, I hadn’t planned on this turning
into a mini-series of sorts)!
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