Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Into The Wilderness

"Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus returned from the Jordan River and was led by the Spirit into the desert for forty days, to be tempted by the devil." ~Luke 4:1-2a

Led into the wilderness
Carried into exile
Placed in a spot
Tailor made for me

Despair, by Rose Waugh, copyright 2004
A vessel emptied and
Waiting to be filled


There are lessons to be learned
In this silence

No longer the teacher
But the student

No longer the scribe
But the reader

Refinement taking place
In the absence of words


Those I thought I knew
Strangers now
Like vapors that have
They are gone, and I am


A moan

A cry

A sigh

Escape my lips at various times
Echoing back
Among the ruins
The sound of my own voice
A cruel taunt

Cry For Help, by Deborah Nell
And yet….I sense
That I am no longer
And fear evaporates

Now there is One
Who waits beside me

His nearness…
A comfort

His presence…
My strength

Spirit of the Living God, by Deborah Nell
Although I cannot see Him yet
I know that He is
Here…right here

I sense His love
His peace
His wordless invitation
To come closer– to Him

Because He’s been in this place before

Temptation In The Wilderness, by Briton Riviere

Exiled while still fresh
From the wild man’s baptism
Spirited into this desert
With droplets of the Jordan still clinging to
His hair

Abandoned by friends with
Fear His close companion as He
Sweats great drops like blood and prays
Alone in a garden dark

So I lean into this Shepherd
This Friend
This Brother
This God Man of hope and compassion

His breath, warm and sweet
Like a gentle summer breeze
Upon my head

His heartbeat a rhythm
Like a sweet symphony
In my ear

The Promise, by Morgan Weistling


Content now
To sit at His feet and
To wait…
To learn…

In exile
In the wilderness
In silence

No longer alone
No longer afraid

When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me, says the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile. ~ Jeremiah 29:13-14, NRSV


  1. Pam this is so amazingly beautiful, my friend. I am wowed and blessed!

    1. Many thanks, Dawn. For your comment, and for sharing this with your sphere of the bloggy world.

      This was 'one of those things' that I did not plan on writing, had no intentions of creating, etc. I feel like one of those hand puppets, just lying around, empty, and suddenly, God picks me up, slips me onto His hand and away we go!

      Thanks for the love, my BBFF. <3

  2. Oh, that elusive contentment. That willingness to sit and wait in this busy world. Beautiful. I'm glad Dawn pointed us here.

    1. Stacy, thanks so much for your thoughts, your kind words, and for stopping by here for a bit!

  3. Sounds amazing!!! I can relate to the feeling alone, and then the awareness that I am not alone, and that He understands. You said it so eloquently. Sometimes it is the learning to sit quietly at His feet that teaches us so much.


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